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Ten Facts About Fair Oak Farm Retreat Venue...

Fair Oak Farm

We thought we'd share a few 'Did you know...?' facts about operating the business at Fair Oak Farm which you may not be aware of. Some may surprise you, some not! So, let's dive straight in...

1. 75% Repeat Custom

Over the last 12 months, just over 75% of bookings have been from customers who have booked or stayed at Fair Oak Farm before.

2. 96% Occupancy

Over the last two years, we’ve achieved an average occupancy of 96%, with back-to-back bookings all year round. Over the last 18 years, we’ve achieved an average occupancy of 94% (excluding closure during the pandemic).

3. Given Away Over £50k Of Discounts Last Year

Now, this is one our bank manager, perhaps understandably at first, didn't quite know whether to support, until we explained it. Why would a multi-award-winning retreat venue, with back-to-back bookings often secured at least 6-12 months ahead, give away certain income? Well, loyalty works both ways. It makes sense to support and reward retreat organisers and lower occupancy groups if we benefit from the efficiencies of having repeat business and guests who are familiar with the property and booking process. As well as providing discounts to thank returning loyal customers, we also assist by providing other benefits, such as additional credit for those making multiple bookings every year. Perhaps most importantly, it means we surround ourselves with likeminded people who we enjoy working with.

Farmhouse at Fair Oak Farm Retreat Venue

A Grade II Listed Sussex Farmhouse provides a central hub to rest and relax at Fair Oak Farm

4. Exceptional Response Record

We received over 2,000 e-mail and website enquiries in 2023, of which 99.4% were responded to within 24 hours.

5. Over 150 Exclusive Hire Bookings Last Year

In 2023, we had 164 separate bookings at Fair Oak Farm, with over 100 of those being retreat organisers having exclusive hire of the property offering a wellness or similar health benefit to their guests.

6. Over 3,500 Visitors Stayed Last Year

In 2023, over 3,500 guests stayed at Fair Oak Farm, injecting vital, sustainable tourism benefits into our rural community.

7. Surrounded By Ancient Woodlands

Although only an hour from London, Fair Oak Farm sits in the High Weald National Landscape and a protected Area Of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). Over the years we've worked with lots of organisations to maintain sustainable tourism practices which help protect the land and historical buildings we're custodians of, including local High Weald protection and international organisations like National Geographic. Sussex is rich with woodland and to the north of farm we have hundreds of acres of protected ancient woodland. In fact, if you stay in one of our tree houses, you'll see a map showing the treeline our tree houses are located dating back thousands of years.

Eco-Lodge Tree Houses at Fair Oak Farm Retreat Venue

Eco-Lodge Tree Houses nestled in an ancient treeline at Fair Oak Farm

8. Supporting Local Suppliers

Each year our business helps to support over 200 different local suppliers. Some may be a one-off supply of services and others will be frequent suppliers with greater dependence on our business. This helps other small, local businesses to thrive, not just survive, and provides employment for hundreds of people, either directly with us or by way of introduction to our customers. This excludes the businesses our guests may visit and support during their stay, such as local shops and pubs. Together, the positive impact our customers have, is essential for the micro-economy in our rural community.

9. Over £250k Capital Investment

Despite recovery from over a year of closures during the pandemic, we've invested over £250k in projects over the last two years, including the refurbishment of the Oast House, a new two-bedroom eco-lodge tree house, establishing a cutting garden, reroofing existing field shelters and stables for our rare breeds, and lots more, all of which is in addition to our ongoing maintenance.

10. Posh Pets Roam The Retreat Venue

During a stay at Fair Oak Farm, guests will be surrounded by a variety of animals, including free-range peafowl (Dotty the peahen and Gary the peacock will undoubtably come and say Hello), rare breed sheep and alpacas. They may not exactly be a financially viable business stream, but we wouldn't be without them, often providing essential therapy for us and our guests. In fact, the benefits of therapeutic cuddles with our rare-breed sheep to help prevent stress anxiety made it in to the press for one retreat organiser last year!


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